Here are 10 tips from health professionals to help keep your back healthy.
Measures include lifting tips, how to sit properly and strengthening exercises for the back.
1. Exercise your back often. Walking, swimming (especially backstroke) and using exercise bikes are great ways to strengthen back muscles.
2 . Bend your knees and hips, don’t bend your back.
3. Do not turn and bend your back at the same time.
4. Always support and carry objects that are appropriate for your body.
5. When carrying heavy loads, it is advisable to wear a backpack with two straps and avoid wearing a one strap bag.
6. Maintain good posture. Avoid sitting in a chair suddenly, avoiding the desk. When walking always keep your shoulders straight.
7. Use chairs with backrest. The foot must be level on the floor or foot support when sitting. Change your sitting position after a few minutes.
8 . Quitting smoking. Smoking reduces the blood supply to the intervertebral discs and this can lead to the degeneration of the discs.
9. Should reduce excess weight. Use the table below to find out if your weight is suitable for height.
ten . Choose a mattress that fits your height, weight, age and sleeping position.
According to Soha
Slavia pharm
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