The consequences of stomach pain You think you can tolerate the pain, click your tongue to hold your stomach for a few hours, then it is over.
You are wrong! And certainly you also know you’re wrong when the pain keeps coming back, the symptoms are getting worse but you have not found a solution to support the treatment to the place, or have not encountered medicine to say goodbye to the pain. stomach.
10,000 Vietnamese people die from cancer each year … but you probably don’t care. It was only when a few famous people died of gastric cancer talking in the newspaper, at this point you were startled … but for a few days you forgot, you still continue to suffer the pain.
Vietnamese people often zealously when their relatives are hurt, but when they are hurt, they often suffer. But with the stomach disease you are wrong, the stomach disease caused by H.P bacteria can infect your loved ones .. from yourself!
If you have the following symptoms, it is necessary to have an immediate solution
+ Epigastric pain: This is a basic sign of the disease and is common in all people with duodenal diseases. Patients with epigastric pain may be in the lower area or away from the breast. Pain usually depends on each person with dull pain, tightness in the stomach, burning pain … but there is no feeling of pain and pain usually occurs when the body is too hungry or it can be too full.
+ Eating poorly: People with this manifestation may suffer from poor appetite due to indigestion, tightness in the stomach, and loss of appetite and poor appetite.
Heartburn, belching: This is a very important sign of stomach pain due to the movement of the stomach is disturbed, making food indigestible leading to fermentation and gas production. The patient may have heartburn, heartburn, and stay halfway up and accompanied by signs of pain behind the sternum or sternum (signs of epigastric pain).
+ Nausea and vomiting: A phenomenon in which the stomach’s food is pushed out through the mouth. This symptom is a manifestation of diseases related to the stomach that cause vomiting such as: acute gastritis, peptic ulcer, stomach cancer, pyloric stenosis, stomach bleeding.
+ Gastrointestinal bleeding: also known as stomach bleeding is the phenomenon of blood leaving the vascular wall and flowing into the lumen of the digestive tract. The most noticeable basic manifestations of gastrointestinal bleeding are vomiting red blood, black blood or bloody stools. When patients have this phenomenon is due to stomach diseases such as peptic ulcer, stomach cancer, …
Cause stomach pain
Maybe you have stomach ache due to erratic eating, drinking alcohol, due to stressful work, un moderation activities … but here, I want to emphasize the cause of H.P bacteria. Reason? Because this is the main cause of stomach pain, stomach cancer and can be spread to your loved ones.
What is H.P bacteria?
Helicobacter pylori (Hp) is a leading cause of stomach cancer (according to WHO, World Health Organization). German scientists have also recently found a link between the damage caused by Hp bacteria in the stomach and the formation and development of stomach cancer cells after a long period of Hp infection.
How is HP bacteria spread?
Not only living in the stomach, scientists have found HP bacteria in plaque on teeth, in cavities, cavities of the body such as the oral cavity, intestinal tract … Therefore, they are also easily infected. Many of the most common are sugars from the mouth to the mouth and the sugar to eat. This is a common cause of many families with stomach problems. Hp bacteria are easily resistant to antibiotics Using antibiotics to treat other conditions while the stomach is infected with Hp bacteria, or failing to adhere to the Hp supportive treatment regimen are the two most common causes leading to antibiotic-resistant Hp bacteria. The proportion of people infected with Hp in the world is very high, in Vietnam, this rate reaches up to 70%, so in the process of using antibiotics to treat various respiratory infections, we have inadvertently facilitates Hp bacteria to resist that antibiotic. The ease in using antibiotics of people in developing countries is also the reason for the situation of drug-resistant Hp is becoming more and more complicated.
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